Неделько А. Н.

 Неделько А. Н.

(г. Омск, РФ) 


There is intensive development of international relations in the field of physical education and sport. This causes objective need for knowledge of foreign languages among physical education specialists. Thus, the motivation to study has increased, but this does not mean that difficulties in mastering a foreign language (FL) have disappeared. There is still insufficient active speech practice in the classroom per student. There is no necessary differentiation of teaching. The main goal of teaching foreign languages ​​is the formation and development of communicative competence, i.e. training in practical knowledge of foreign languages. Achievement of this goal involves changes in requirements for the level of formation of speech skills and abilities, requires new approaches to selection of content and organization of material. New approaches are needed in the organization of the educational process for teaching foreign languages [1].

The goals and objectives of teaching a foreign language, pedagogical factors determine the need for repetition, systematization of language material, purposeful, controlled activation of it in the process of completing tasks. This requires the improvement of the methodology, the intensification of students’ independent work, since the hard time regime of athletes studying at the university dictates the need for the most precise organization of independent work [2].

The effectiveness of foreign language learning is associated, first of all, with the effectiveness of the control system. The control system created on a scientific basis allows a teacher to flexibly manage the educational process at all stages of training: check the correct organization of teaching methods and means, rationally build a work program, determine the time required for the development of all types of speech activity, correlate intended goal with the achieved results.

Control is a feedback containing information about the timely correction of the educational process. With the help of control, the system of speech skills and abilities developed in students is checked in the process of using the studied language, in communicative activity that is when writing, listening, reading, speaking practice. So, for example, a student’s oral speech is not just a description, reasoning and narration, but their organic fusion and contains elements of proof of assessment, their own opinion. Transferring well-known linguistic material to new situations of communication, combining the studied speech patterns to achieve a new goal, the student spends certain efforts and energy characteristic of real creativity. It seems that the audience is the most effective place for intensive work on oral speech, where the teacher acts as a source of information and together with students as a communication partner, under his leadership, exchanges of views, impressions, discussions, etc. are conducted.

Self studying is planned in close connection with the working curriculum of the entire course of study in a foreign language, that is, in a comprehensive manner. Working curricula comply with the principle of vocationally oriented teaching of basic types of speech activity. In such programs, the nature and volume of educational material, which are submitted for independent study by students, is clearly defined. It includes extracurricular reading of literature of a socio-political nature, literature of a wide sports profile and on a narrower specialization, as well as in-depth study of grammatical phenomena characteristic of this sublanguage.

A well-organized self studying will help to train foreign languages. The main role in this is played by: a) the student’s desire to work to master the subject, enriching his vocabulary; b) the ability to distribute their efforts in the classroom and after school hours; c) satisfaction from the acquired knowledge; d) responsibility for the results of work.

The task of the teacher is to direct efforts to intensify the educational process with the help of handouts, to organize self studying, taking into account self studying in class, extracurricular study under the supervision of the teacher during extracurricular hours.

When developing questions related to the organization of self studying, one should take into account the degree of their training for the course of secondary school, which, as the annual testing at the beginning of the academic year of the first-year students shows, is very low, there are also no necessary skills for independent work on a foreign language. In this regard, the work to instill in students the skills of independent work can be conditionally divided into three stages:

Stage I involves:

- inculcation of independent work skills, elementary in their form and nature;

- keeping records in notebooks and dictionaries;

- training to work with the dictionary;

- work on memorizing and assimilating language information;

- completing various homework assignments.

At the second stage, more complex skills of independent work are instilled:

- formation of receptive and reproductive vocabulary;

- formation of receptive and reproductive grammatical stock;

- formation of a logical and grammatical analysis of sentences for the isolation of semantic information.

Stage III includes:

- instilling creative skills;

- translation;

- referencing;

- annotation;

- message and report in a foreign language.

Experience shows that the success of mastering a foreign language depends not only on the number and types of training work carried out by the teacher, not only on the attentiveness of students in the classroom and their conscientiousness in completing homework, but also on how they were taught to independently perceive lexical and grammatical, text material and operate it in oral speech and reading.



1. Андреев, В. И. Педагогика : учебный курс для творческого саморазвития / В. И. Андреев. – Казань : Центр инновационных технологий,2000. – 608 с.

2. Коряковцева, Н. Ф. Современная методика организации самостоятельной работы изучающих иностранный язык. Пособие для учителей / Н. Ф. Коряковцева. – М. : Аркти, 2002. – 173 с.



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