Мрачковская M. Н., Сулейманова Н. В.

 Мрачковская M. Н., Сулейманова Н. В.

(Алчевск, ЛНР) 



The current research focuses on reorientation of the higher technical education modern paradigm on accumulation of knowledge and formation of professionally significant skills and abilities, on preparation of spiritually mature, innovatively active specialist, capable of invention and non-standard decisions acceptance, initiative in implementation of an innovative product in business projects. Globalization processes in the organization of the search for innovative solutions to scientific and technical problems have given impetus to the development of so-called open innovation.

The essence of the term “open innovation” is explained as a strategy of creating and implementing new technologies through the systematic use of internal and external sources of innovation opportunities, the integration of these opportunities through multiple channels [1, p. 35].

Improving the effectiveness of training of future highly qualified personnel requires the improvement of existing and search for new forms and methods for organizing the educational process. Such approach requires the use of complexes of technical and didactic means that ensure the interconnection between classroom and non-classroom forms of the educational process. Professional training includes a key element aimed at mastering professional skills by future professionals, performing professional functions, mastering the types of professional activity in the context of personally oriented paradigm of education, aimed at preparing students for professional identity, professional self-realization and professional self-actualization throughout life. Therefore, the provision of humanistic-oriented professional qualification requires the reworked educational process grounding, development and

introduction of the relevant innovative approaches, methods and technologies into the educational process of higher education institutions.

Today’s higher education actively implements the latest pedagogical technologies, among which are distance learning, e-learning, mobile learning, blended learning, the use of interactive techniques, etc.

The use of information and communication technologies is one of the main directions in the higher education informatization development. Today, the optimization of the educational process is aimed at the formation of a highly skilled and competitive specialist in the conditions of European integration and globalization, which is based on fundamentalism, professionalism, creativity and communication through the use of advanced training technologies as the open innovation.

The prospective way of organizing the educational process based on the widespread use of information and communication technologies in the higher education institution is the combination of traditional and distance learning. The process where traditional technologies are to be combined with innovative technologies of electronic, distance and mobile learning is called “blended learning”. Blended learning as an instrument for modernizing modern education in practice appears to be the creation of new pedagogical techniques based on the integration of traditional approaches to the organization of the educational process with transfer of knowledge and technology of e-learning.

To optimize the educational process, higher education institutions actively implement innovative technologies, the most popular of which are distance learning, learning with the use of interactive techniques, training by practical course technology, etc. One of these technologies is the information and educational environment allowing you to create and apply electronic notes, encyclopedias, tests, glossaries, questionnaires, virtual labs, etc.

Also, in order to form the professional qualities of future, in addition to traditional teaching methods, those modern interactive methods and learning technologies that unite students and give them the opportunity to work in a group, namely, “case study”, “business games”, “video training”, “aquarium” and others may be used.

Optimization of the classroom and individual educational interconnection of the participants to the pedagogical process through the creation of the information and educational environment and its filling with interactive context means in the learning process enables to improve the educational process, to create such activity tool to facilitate the accumulation of relevant knowledge and experience, as well as to support intellectual efforts of students, to stimulate cognitive activity. Thus, it will increase the motivation of students for learning; cultivate cognitive, productive, conscious grounds that will impact on all scopes of activities.

Such learning organization enables students to gain new knowledge through electronic resources at all reasonable time and practice new skills in communication with the lecturer and fellow students in classroom. In the course of such learning, there is the process of individual cognitive activity and it enables to balance basic and related knowledge due to individual learning of theory and doing additional exercises.

Thus, creating information and educational environment as the open innovation that supplies interaction between lecturers and students in classroom through interactive forms of communication on the basis of educational platform promotes the optimization of the learning process that makes the learning process more efficient and adds the interaction of lecturers and students with interactive forms of communication and also facilitates the improvement of higher education level.



1. Chesbrough, H. W. The era of open innovation / Henry William Chesbrough // MIT Sloan Management Review. – 2003. – 44 (3). – P. 35–41.



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